This document describes how to get Squeak to work with a PostgreSQL

Setting up the Database

The CAT already has an PostgreSQL database, so we'll use that. 

Setting up ODBC

Since neither of the Squeak PostgreSQL drivers seem to work, we'll use ODBC instead.  Download the ODBC Driver and add it as a data source.

Setting up Squeak

Squeak has an ODBC driver on Squeak Map - install it.  To make sure everything worked, add a test case:


client := ODBCConnection dsn: 'PostgreSQL' user: 'emerson' password: 'xxx'.
client open.


client close


self assert: client isConnected


| statement |

statement := ODBCStatement connection: client query:
'create table test (a char(20), b real); '.

statement execute.

statement := ODBCStatement connection: client query:
'drop table test'.

statement execute.